
Conference Co - Chairs

prof. eugene p. sheehan


Emeritus Professor
Psychological Sciences College of Education and Behavioral Sciences
University of Northern Colorado

Prof. Eugene is the Former Dean of the College of Education and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Northern Colorado. As the Dean he was responsible for the administration of one of the largest education programs in the Rocky Mountain Region of the United States, with about 100 full time faculty and about 3,500 teacher candidates. Prof. Eugene received his undergraduate degrees from the University of Dublin and Trinity College, Ireland. He received his Master’s degrees from Trinity College and from the Queen’s University of Belfast. He obtained his PhD from the University of California, Santa Cruz. He has been recognized for excellence in teaching and research, earning the University of Northern Colorado’s Distinguished Scholar Award. He has worked collaboratively with several universities around the world. In 2011 he received an Honorary Doctorate from Burapha University. Additionally, he has given keynote addresses at important conferences around the world. Prior to his career at the University of Northern Colorado, Prof. Eugene worked as a personnel psychologist for the Irish government and as a vocational evaluator in California.

Prof. Dr. Marcel Köhler


Nord University
Faculty for Nursing and Health Sciences

Dr. Marcel Köhler is Professor for Pedagogy and Health Sciences at Nord University/Norway. He held the chair for Nursing and Health at the University of Applied Sciences Dresden (FHD)/Germany from 2019-2022. He studied medicine pedagogy, philosophy and vocational education. Dr. Marcel Köhler received his doctorate from the Technical University of Dresden/Germany. In his PhD thesis he integrates theoretical approaches from didactics, action theory and cognitive psychology as well as linguistics. He has expertise in questions of curriculum development, empirical educational research, evaluation and quality management. His key activities focus on vocational and university didactics, examination in theoretical vocational education and institutional teaching/learning processes. Currently, he is working in the fields of interdisciplinarity in nursing and health care professions as well as student active teaching-/learning methods and simulative learning environments of these professions. Dr. Marcel Köhler supports and contributes national and international research projects on the aspects of current vocational and tertiary education issues. Before he accepted a professorial position, he has worked for more than 9 years as a researcher and lecturer at the Institute for Vocational Education and Didactics at the Technical University of Dresden/Germany. He was responsible for national and international research projects with stays abroad in China, Thailand, Laos and Sweden. From 2014-2021 he was the executive director of the association for the promotion of education and training for professional educators at the TU Dresden e. V.

Keynote Speakers