Publication Opportunities in ICEDU 2025

“We believe your paper deserves to meet its ultimate research destination”

We are dedicated to support you through every phase of your journey in research publication. With the aim of locating your research to the right destination, The 11th International Conference on Education 2025 has amplified its publication opportunities by partnering with TIIKM  Publishing support.


All accepted abstracts for the 11th International Conference on Education 2025 (ICEDU 2025) will be published in the Conference Abstract Book with an associated ISBN

We follow universally accepted ethics and COPE standards on publication.


Conference Proceeding is an option available for you to publish your full paper present in the conference. “Full papers submitted for the Conference Proceedings of The 11th International Conference on Education 2025 will undergo a double-blind reviewing process. Selected papers will be electronically published in open access format with the ISSN 2424-6700 in the proceedings, accompanied by a DOI number (DOI prefix: 10.17501).

Conference proceeding is indexed in Google Scholar and Crossref, and we are committed to striving for indexing in Scopus, Thomson Reuters, and CABI for your papers.

Proceeding Publication
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before 02nd  May 2025 For inquiries:


Conference participants will get the opportunity to submit their full papers in prestigious journals which are internationally accredited from renowned publishers.

The author instructions and submission guidelines for your desired journals will be sent to you separately.

All peer reviewed journals are subjecting submissions to the double-blind peer-review process. The decision on publication will depend on the peer-review process. Participants are advised to read the journal’s scope and aim before deciding the suitable journal. We follow universally accepted ethics on publication. Accordingly, a guarantee for publication will not be issued before making the submission and completion of the review process. Publisher does not charge any money for publication of Non-Open Access content.

Science and Mathematics

Aim and Scope  –

focusing on science and mathematics education. It is a trusted resource for STEM educators, featuring various article types, including research and innovation.

Abstracting and Indexing – 

Academic ASAP (GALE Cengage), Academic OneFile (GALE Cengage), Academic Search Alumni Edition (EBSCO Publishing), Academic Search Complete (EBSCO Publishing), Academic Search Elite (EBSCO Publishing), Academic Search Premier (EBSCO Publishing), Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Database (ProQuest), ArticleFirst (OCLC)

Education Conference 2025 Peer_Reviewed Journals - Science and Mathematics

Critical Power and Education

Aim and Scope –

Power and Education is an journal that promotes critical studies of educational practices, challenging mainstream assumptions. It focuses on the relationship between power and education, encouraging innovative, provocative work, and interdisciplinary contributions.

Abstracting and Indexing –

Clarivate Analytics: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), EBSCOhost E-Journals Database, EBSCOhost EBSCO A-to-Z, ERIC (Education Resources Information Center), ProQuest, Scopus, SwetsWise Online Content

Education Conference 2025 Peer_Reviewed Journals - Critical power and education

Innovations in Higher Education

Aim and Scope –

This Journal features research on institutional and policy innovations, improving diversity, equity, and inclusion, and innovative teaching and learning approaches. It publishes diverse scholarship, balancing practice and theory, for both faculty and administrators in higher education.

Abstracting and Indexing – 

OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service, Portico, ProQuest, SCImago, SCOPUS, TD Net Discovery Service UGC-CARE List (India), Wanfang

Education Conference 2025 Peer_Reviewed Journals - Innovations in higher education

Educational Psychology

Aim and Scope –

Journal publishes international research on all aspects of education, emphasizing novel theoretical contributions and open science practices, covering specific domains, cognitive capacities, self-regulation, social, motivational, emotional aspects, and special educational needs.

Abstracting and Indexing – 

ProQuest Sociology Collection (ProQuest), Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection (EBSCO Publishing), PsycINFO/Psychological Abstracts (APA), Research into Higher Education Abstracts (T&F), RILM Abstracts of Music Literature (RILM), Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies (EBSCO Publishing), SCOPUS (Elsevier), Social Science Premium Collection (ProQuest), Social Sciences Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics), SocINDEX (EBSCO Publishing), SocINDEX with Full Text (EBSCO Publishing)

Education Conference 2025 Peer_Reviewed Journals - Education psychology

Global Education Research

Aim and Scope –

This Journal advances understanding of international education, emphasizing human unity, diversity, and education for international understanding, human rights, peace, global, and intercultural education.

Abstracting and Indexing –

Clarivate Analytics: Biological Abstracts, Contents Pages in Education, Current Contents / Social and Behavioral Sciences, Database of Research on International Education, EMBASE, ERIC – Educational Management, Education Index, Educational Research Abstracts Online – e-Psyche, Research Into Higher Education Abstracts, Scopus, Social SciSearch

Education Conference 2025 Peer_Reviewed Journals - Global Education Research

School-Based occupational therapy

Aim and Scope –

The Journal provides a comprehensive resource for occupational therapists, focusing on early intervention, schools, and other settings. It includes research findings, practice methods, policy updates, and vital topics like assistive technology and evidence-based practices.

Indexed –

Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), EBSCOhost, CINAHL Plus, CINAHL Plus with Full Text, Current Abstracts, TOC Premier

Education Conference 2025 Peer_Reviewed Journals - School based occupational therapy

Comparative Education

Aim and Scope –

Journal Publishes scholarly presentations and research on international comparative education, covering units like time-history, sociology, policies, cultures, minorities, and philosophy. It includes research studies, critical essays, and reviews.

Abstracting and Indexing – 

Scopus and Emerging Sources Citation Index 

Education Conference 2025 Peer_Reviewed Journals - Comparative Education

Conference attendees have more options to submit their full papers in peer-reviewed journals.

Please contact to get to know other publication avenues indicating “Full Paper Publication Details – ICEDU 2025” in the subject line.

  • We will guide you to prepare your manuscript to conform to journal requirements through simplified guides.
  • Our publication support will contact you within one week after the conference and guide you on improving submission for your preferred journal will be provided separately via an email.
  • We will help you to follow the guidelines and do the submission precisely.
  • The process might look extremely complicated and tiresome. With our publication support packs, we will support you to navigate the process.
  • Trust our years of experience in supporting conference participants to produce high quality papers for academic journals.
  • The entire process is managed through the Online Journal System, maintaining professionalism.
  • A double-blind peer-review process ensures developmental feedback for your paper.
  • Crossref provides a DOI link for your manuscript (DOI prefix: 10.17501).
  • Manuscripts are archived in the Online Journal System (OJS) maintained by TIIKM, linked with Google Scholar to enhance citations.
  • You can share your paper on web-based sources and author profiles to bolster your academic profile.
  • This opportunity can facilitate entry into Ph.D. or Master’s programs and scholarship applications.
  • Publishing your work can boost your career and increase your self-confidence.

General Guidelines

All manuscripts are expected to be prepared as a single editable MS Word document with the complete text, references, tables and figures included.

The manuscript should be in English and checked for grammar and language errors.

Identify one author as the corresponding author (All future communications will be done through the corresponding author).

The corresponding author should take the approval of all authors for submission. TIIKM will not be responsible to answer co-authors of the manuscript.

The Corresponding author is responsible for the full paper submitted to TIIKM. Co-authors’ names, affiliations and email addresses should be correctly mentioned in the manuscripts and entered in the OJS.

All contributors included in your paper should properly acknowledge with referencing and if your study has been funded or supported by any institution, agency, etc…, please indicate the same under “Acknowledgement”

Authors must follow guide for authors strictly. Editors reserve the right to adjust the style to certain standards of uniformity.

If the reviewers suggest advanced revisions, authors will be provided more time to revise the manuscript. In such a scenario, the publication of the manuscript will be pushed to the next issue.

We follow universal accepted ethics & policies on publication and authors are advised to read and follow the instructions before making the submission.

  • Attend the conference and present your research work.
  • If your preference is to publish in conference proceedings, carefully review the provided information.
  • Download the full paper template for conference proceedings.
  • Prepare your manuscript following the provided guidelines.
  • Upload your paper via TIIKM Online Journal Systems (OJS) by the specified deadline (To be Updated).
  • Receive review comments from qualified reviewers for your paper.
  • Revise your paper based on the review comments.
  • Upload the revised paper by the stipulated deadline.
  • Receive the edited manuscript for screening before DOI submission.
  • Confirm your final paper copy and provide the camera-ready version.
  • Have your paper published in OJS.
  • Receive the DOI link provided by Crossref for your manuscript (DOI prefix: 10.17501).

Please note that separate email instructions will be provided for account creation and submission guidance after the conference.

To assist you in preparing your paper, we provide Full paper template. Please save the template to your hard drive, ready for use.

Follow this order when typing manuscripts*: Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, References and Appendix

This format is provided for original research papers. Authors can follow respective formats for review articles, book reviews, commentaries etc.

Word limit: The Abstract should be no more than 275 words and one paragraph only. The target length for an article is 3,000–5,000 words (excluding figures, tables and references). Articles should not exceed 6,500 words including abstract, endnotes, tables, figures, figure captions or legends, references, acknowledgements and appendices

No more than 6 keywords. Read making your article more discoverable, including information on choosing a title and search engine optimization.

Manuscripts should be submitted in Times New Roman 11 point font, 1.5 line spacing, using the format and reference of American Psychological Association (APA).

  • Figures. Figures should be high quality (1200 dpi for line art, 600 dpi for grayscale and 300 dpi for color, at the correct size). Figures should be supplied in one of our preferred file formats: EPS, PS, JPEG, GIF, or Microsoft Word (DOC or DOCX).
  • Tables. Tables should present new information rather than duplicating what is in the text. Readers should be able to interpret the table without reference to the text. Please supply editable files.
  • Equations. If you are submitting your manuscript as a Word document, please ensure that equations are editable.
  • Units. Please use SI units (non-italicized).
  • Should be used sparingly – only where they ease the reader’s task by reducing repetition of long, technical terms. Initially use the word in full, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Thereafter use the abbreviation only.


Journals uphold distinct academic standards. Authors are required to meet these standards to have their full papers published in the respective journal. The Publishelp service, introduced by TIIKM, is a complimentary resource designed to assist you in developing your full paper to align with these standards. This is a free service for all the paid participants
How we are going to Support you ?
Pre-Conference Workshops

Prepare for your academic journey with unwavering confidence by enrolling in our pre-conference workshops, where esteemed trainers impart invaluable skills, from refining research questions to strategically structuring your paper

Journal Recommendation

Navigate the complex world of scholarly journals with ease by utilizing our personalized journal recommendation service, expertly tailored to your research’s focus and scope, saving you time and ensuring your work gains the recognition it deserves

Paper Quality Inspection

Enhance the quality and impact of your academic work with our meticulous paper quality inspection service, providing invaluable insights and recommendations to improve clarity, coherence, and overall excellence.

You have to be a paid participant for the conference.

Need to have a full paper related your research

**Limited number of opportunities based on a First Come First Serve basis

Application Process

If you meet above criteria, please click here to submit your paper.

  • Obtain experts’ inputs to improve your paper
  • We assist you to obtain constructive inputs and different perspectives from qualified scholars. This will help strengthen the quality of your paper. Reviewed and revised paper with a world-class scientific committee will make your paper more likely to be accepted by high standard journals.
  • Ability to gain tips to strengthen your presentation
  • Feedback received via this committee will help you polish the final presentation at the conference as well.
  • Help develop academic writing skills
  • The knowledge that you will be gathering from this initiative will benefit you in your future academic writing for academic publications.
  • Free Service
  • This is a free project designed by TIIKM and ICEDU to help conference participants develop their career an extra mile.

Editorial SERVICES

We offer a range of academic services with the aim of supporting you to success your journey in research publication. These services may subject a fee.

For more details please download the brochure.

To apply please click here.

If you need assistance in any of these areas, please contact Mr. Dinusha Randimal at  from our team.


As a Volunteer

Are you an undergraduate or post-graduate student who are  looking to make a positive impact in your community? We’re seeking enthusiastic volunteers to join our vibrant team!


As a Resource Person

Are you a knowledgeable and experience research scholar in the field of Climate change. We would like to invite you to join with us a full paper reviewer or a workshop speaker.

Join Publication Community



Authors should submit their full papers for conference proceedings through the Online Journal System (OJS). Authors are provided with three weeks after the conclusion of the conference to submit full papers. The receipt of paper submission will be acknowledged via e-mail within three working days. In the event that you do not receive acknowledgment of your paper within three working days, you are requested to immediately contact the organizing committee.

** Submission guidelines will be sent via an email after the conference

Yes. All papers must be formatted according to the full paper template that can be found in the paper guideline page of conference websites. This template applies for papers sent to conference proceedings.

All accepted full papers sent for proceedings will be published electronically with ISSN in proceedings with the DOI number otherwise in a supportive journal in the conference. We are submitting conference proceedings for possible indexing in renowned indexing sources. Refer journals included in the conference websites to know indexing.

If you miss the deadline and still interested in submitting the paper after a while, publication team will consider the paper for next scheduled issue of conference proceedings (this can be a second issue of the next year issue)

Tentatively, it will take three months after the full paper submission deadline to release 1st issue of conference proceedings (This might differ depending on the number of papers we receive and extension of deadlines if any). Number of issues will also depend on the papers that will be receiving for publication.


You can send any of your publication related inquiries to publication@tiikmedu.comWe are ready to answer your all questions and assist you.

No. As per the generally accepted publication ethics, the dual publication is not possible. Hence, if you publish in a journal the same paper cannot be included in proceedings vice versa.

If you find it difficult to send the full paper by the stipulated time you are advised to request for a deadline extension in advance (The decision will be taken by the publication team).

If you miss the deadline and still interested in submitting the paper after a while, publication team will consider the paper for next scheduled issue of conference proceedings (this can be a second issue of the next year issue)

No, even the authors who register under online video and virtual category can send their full papers for the publication.

The abstract & full manuscript must be submitted as a MS Word document in .doc format (not as a PDF format).

No. Conference proceeding publication is complimentary for all conference participants. However, some journals may charge a fee for open access publication. Please refer to the particular journal website for more details.

Journal Publication

If authors wish to submit papers to supporting journals, they are advised to contact the publication team and communicate journal preference. Afterward, the team will provide you necessary guidelines to make the submission.

Papers which match aims, scope and guidelines of journals will be considered for double-blind peer review by journals. Having written the paper following academic standards and with an international appeal will positively affect selection. The decision of the journal’s editorial board will be final. If the paper is requested for revisions you may have to revise and send it back to the journal.

Publication process in journals are lengthier than that of the conference proceedings. On average, it will take 4-6 months to receive the 1st decision from the journal. Depending on the 1st decision, the publication time will vary.

If journals reject your full paper, we will consider the paper for conference proceedings after administering double-blind review process.



Contact: Mr. Tharuka Thanuja

Email: /

WhatsApp: +94 76 63 75 151

Are you a conference participant looking for guidance on publishing your research? We’re here to help! Our Publication Inquiry Support service is designed to answer all your questions and assist you in navigating the publication process effectively.

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