Exhibit at ICEDU 2023

The ICEDU Expo | 16th - 17th March 2023 | Bangkok, Thailand

An Exhibit Hall with Limitless Possibilities

The ICEDU Expo is the best destination for forming your strategic cooperation through close interaction. Offering Superlative Networking Opportunities and Attracting Key Decision-Makers in the field of education, the Conference and Exhibition is one of the leading international education events around the world.

The Exhibit Hall Schedule / Important Dates

The ICEDU Expo Exhibit Hall officially opens at 10 a.m. on Thursday, March 16th. On Thursday and Friday, participants can visit the exhibition hall. You can discover all the latest products and mingle with amazing vendors.

16th March 2023: 09.30 AM – 5.00 PM

17th March 2023: 08.00 AM – 5.00 PM

Why Exhibit?

Our Conference Attendees

Packages Silver Gold Platinum
Early Bird Payment (31st January 2023)
USD 1200
USD 1500
USD 2000
Standard Payment (02nd March 2023)
USD 1400
USD 1700
USD 2200
Listing the Organization Details on the Conference Website
The Organization identified as the Main Exhibitors of the Conference.
Include Organization Logo and 50-word company profile and contact details included on the web in all Digital Media Platforms of the Conference.
Co-shared research platform.
Full delegate list (first name, last name, organization, country, email)
Opportunity to screen Organization Ads / Videos /Trailers during the Conference Peak Times.
Opportunity to Appoint Keynote/Plenary Speakers for the Conference (Conditions Apply).
Special Recognition from the Conference Convener at the Inauguration Ceremony
Opportunity to project the Organization’s Vision in an International Arena
Sponsorships for speakers and awards.
Award for best innovative and impactful stall.
30-45 Minutes Special Session Inside the Conference to Promote the Organization.
Color Ad in the Conference Program
Complimentary Full Conference Registrations, allowing to attend all sessions of the Conference.
1 Complimentary
2 Complimentary
3 Complimentary
Discount for Additional Passes


ICEDU 2023 Exhibitors

Lattel Robotics, Singapore

Lattel Robotics is a company promoting artificial intelligence (AI)-focused robotics education & training. Working closely with the RoboCup@Home Education initiative, Lattel Robotics supports schools, academic institutions and training centres in introducing AI & service robot development learning to students, equipping them with practical AI application skills vital for the future.

Meet a Jupiter Robot and get a novel experience.

Be an Exhibitor!

Contact Ms. Deshani Pathirana, International Conference Coordinator via deshani.p@tiikmedu.com, with your proposal.

Exhibitor Tour & Accommodation

Please Contact Mr. Anthony Emmanuel Fernando, Destination Expert,
Globeenjoy Tours (Pvt) Ltd via sales@globeenjoy.com