Proceedings Book ICEDU 2017
Hosting Partner
Academic Partners

Media Partners

Events Partner
“Models of Global Education and Education Mobility for the 2020’s”
The International Conference on Education 2017 organized by The International Institute of Knowledge Management (TIIKM), Sri Lanka with the collaboration of the University of Northern Colorado, United States as the Hosting Partner and the International Islamic University, Malaysia and Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania as the Academic Partners. The conference was held on the 20th and 22nd of April Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ICEDU 2017 was organized under the theme “Models of Global Education Mobility for the 2020s””, and was chaired by Professor Eugene P. Sheehan (Dean, Professor of Psychological Science College of Education and Behavioral Sciences) University of Northern Colorado, United States,
The opening remarks of ICEDU 2017 were made by Professor Eugene P. Shehan, Conference chair together with Mr. Oshadee Withanawasam (CEO & Chairman – TIIKM), Programme chair of the conference.
The conference comprised of seventeen technical sessions and a poster session during which researchers from around the world presented their research findings. The technical sessions as follow.
- Technological Enhancements 1
- Curriculum Design 1
- Technological Enhancements 2
- Curriculum Design 2
- Teacher Quality 1
- Global Issues 1
- Inclusion & Comparative Education
- Mobility & Education 1
- Curriculum Design 3
- Teacher Quality 2
- Mobility & Education 02
- Curriculum Design 4
- Culturally/Linguistically Diverse
- Global Issues 02
- Testing & Assessment
- Testing & Assessment Cont.…
- Teacher Quality 3
- Poster Session
The highlight of the inauguration of ICEDU 2017 was the keynote addresses by. Dr. Christy McConnell Moroye (Associate Professor of Educational Foundations and Curriculum Studies University of Northern Colorado, USA) on “Teaching in the Moment: Educational Experience in the Age of Tomorrow “and Prof. Dr. Hairuddin Mohd Ali (Dean, Kulliyyah of Education, Internation al Islamic University Malaysia) on Education Mobility as One of the Grand Strategies for Higher Education Institutions’ Sustainability in 2020s: The conference was delighted and graced by two academic workshops respectively Publication Workshop and Conference Chair Workshop. The Perspective of the publication workshop is A Guide to Getting Published (GGP) and the workshop was facilitated by By Ben Sng (Senior Consultant – Publishing Relationships, East Asia Region, Emerald Group Publishing, Malaysia) and that prestigious moment gave participants to crystal way to excellent publication opportunities. The Chair Workshop had been facilitated by conference chair and the occasion were enriched by plenty of insights from participants. New methods and perspectives related to the conference, students’ views and ideas, academic back ground of the conference and future enhancement of the education sphere have been thoroughly discussed during the workshop.
ICEDU 2017 provided a solid platform for over 120 researchers, stake holders and policy makers from across the globe to share their research findings with one another and to discuss the policy implications. The conference provided a refreshing experience for all, especially for the young researchers who had the opportunity to share their research findings on an international platform. The conference was enlightened by international researches representing followed
- The Republic of Philippines
- The Republic of Latvia
- Federation of Malaysia
- The Commonwealth of Australia
- Hong Kong
- Republic of China (Taiwan)
- Peoples Republic of China
- The Czech Republic
- Singapore
- Republic of Indonesia
- Macau
- Republic of India
- Republic of Turkey
- Kingdom of Thailand
- Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
- United Arab Emirates
- United Kingdom
- Kingdom Saudi Arabia
- State of Kuwait
- Kingdome of Bahrain
- Socialist Republic of Vietnam
- Brunei Darussalam
- Republic of Columbia
- Federal Republic of Germany
- Republic of Mauritius
- State of Qatar
- Arab Republic of Egypt
- Republic of the Gambia
- Republic of Kenya
- Islamic Republic of Iran
- Republic of South Africa
- United States of America
Conference Chair
Dean, Professor of Psychological Sciences College of Education
and Behavioral Sciences,
University of Northern Colorado, USA.
Keynote Speakers
Dr. Christy McConnell Moroye
Associate Professor of Educational Foundations and Curriculum Studies,
University of Northern Colorado,USA.
Prof. Dr. Hairuddin Mohd Ali
Dean, Kulliyyah of Education
International Islamic University Malaysia